
This is a Journal of my work/craft explorations. It will contain a variety of projects, both in progress and complete, summaries of things I learn from these projects that are worthy of recording and things of interest that I discover along the way. The projects will include woodworking for the home and shop, decoy carving and painting, airbrushing and restoration of equipment and tools.

I am blessed to have the luxury to pursue just about any interest that fancies me at any time. This Blog/Journal is my repository for the pursuit of these fancies. Text will be minimal, the photos plentiful and the posts timely. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Diversion

Every year for the past 7 years, I have made Elaine a "slice" or two as a Christmas present.  A slice is a side of duck's head that is 1/2 or less that the thickness of a real duck.

This year, the duck of choice was a Garganey Teal drake.

Crown and shadows airbrushed using Chroma Sable

Cheek airbrushed using mix of Burnt Umber and Gold

Two steps here...white streaks were added with Warm White and then airbrushed over with Burnt Umber and Gold, just enough to let the light streaks show through

Larger, longer light streaks added.  Each streak had 2 or 3 coats depending on location.

White side patch painted and paint cleaned off of the glass eye. The flash washed out the detail however.

Breast and back feathers outlined with Warm WHite
Feather bards added with detail brush.

Feather barbs redone, breast feather centers detail added and centers of breast, back darkened.  Light patch added to bill to get ready for nostril detail.  The bill is smooth and the nostril is not carved i.

Finished head with nostril detail complete.

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