
This is a Journal of my work/craft explorations. It will contain a variety of projects, both in progress and complete, summaries of things I learn from these projects that are worthy of recording and things of interest that I discover along the way. The projects will include woodworking for the home and shop, decoy carving and painting, airbrushing and restoration of equipment and tools.

I am blessed to have the luxury to pursue just about any interest that fancies me at any time. This Blog/Journal is my repository for the pursuit of these fancies. Text will be minimal, the photos plentiful and the posts timely. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Making HEAD-way

The first step is to round out the head ensuring that both sides of the head are kept in symmetrical. On the right side of the had, the paper pattern that was glued on.  The widest part of the head is marked on this and the other side.

Additional rounding.  At this point, reference lines are added and kept on the bird to ensure the rounding "stays between the lines".  AS well, having these lines on both sides of the bird ensures that when you sight from the top, front or back of the head, you can easily determine if the had is symmetrical.  This head is coming along nicely.

The other side of the head.  The remaining paper shows how the head is being rounded and the required widest part is being retained.  At this point the eyes are marked and ready for drilling.

A 9mm tungsten carbide bit does the trick provided you can hold it within the marked circle.  Usually, the faster it rotates, (normally 15,000rpm)he easier it is to keep it on track.  However, this bit is not will balanced, so too much speed and vibration gets in the way so I slow it to about 8,500 rpm.  

COmpleted eye socket.

Plasticene placed in the eye socket to buffer and hold the glass eye in place.

Both eyes set and the distance between the eyes is confirmed with calipers.  Too narrow a set and the bird looks like a pin head.  Too wide and it will be nearly impossible to get the right amount of rounding of the head.

The eyes are just peeking out from the drilled holes...makes it perfect.

Putty to surround the eye and hold it in place has been applied.

The putty has been shaped to create the almond shaped eye (recall from an earlier post) and the tiny eye lid.  The head still needs a lot of fine tuning and the bill needs to be detailed, but that will be done as a later step in the process

Next step...the body.

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