
This is a Journal of my work/craft explorations. It will contain a variety of projects, both in progress and complete, summaries of things I learn from these projects that are worthy of recording and things of interest that I discover along the way. The projects will include woodworking for the home and shop, decoy carving and painting, airbrushing and restoration of equipment and tools.

I am blessed to have the luxury to pursue just about any interest that fancies me at any time. This Blog/Journal is my repository for the pursuit of these fancies. Text will be minimal, the photos plentiful and the posts timely. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Trial Fit the Head & Refine The Fit

This is where the bird begins to come to life albeit slowly.

It is critical that the joint between the head and body be tight.  To achieve this I use the  technique that machinests use to fit parts and dentist use to adjust your bite after a filling or crown is placed. but I am a bit more crude in my approach.  The first step is to rub a pencil on the bottom of the head to cover it completely in carbon.
Second step is to place the head where it will eventually go and rub the two surfaceses together.
The high posts are covering in carbon.  these are these spots to grind down

After about 10 times of doing this, the surfaces mate nearly perfectly.
Trail fit #2.....
Different view.
Another view.
FInal view and I concluded that the head on this bird is too high by nearly 3/8 of an inch do a lot of wood needs to be removed on the body.  This needs to be done now to ensure the bird has the right attitude and before the body is refined to ensure that there will be enough wood.  Nest post.

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